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What user roles does lets have?

There are 2 user roles at lets: Impact Heroes (Admins) & Staff. Impact Heroes can set projects and manage company settings. Employees can only see and participate in projects.

What integrations does lets offer?

Lets currently offers integrations with Teams and Slack. You can find more information in the settings under Integrations. If you have any questions about this, please contact

Can my employer see how engaged I am?

The admins of your company's lets platform can only view cumulative data in the dashboard, such as number of hours, number of projects, number of participants, etc. There is no exportable list that ranks or represents individual names. An admin can only see the individual participants in the project view itself.

Where can I see my own impact?

When you're logged in to lets and click on your profile picture in the top right corner, you'll see your own personal dashboard: the number of projects you've participated in, the number of hours spent, and the number of different categories you've supported.

What engagement opportunities exist?

You can create your own projects on the platform or access our unique project database with thousands of current volunteering opportunities from non profit organisations. You can get engaged on a one-off or regular basis in groups or individually, on site or from home. In short - there's something for everyone.

Who reviews the projects?

A clean project database is important to us. That is why all organisations undergo a "social check-up" during registration. Our team checks the non profit status, contact person and other information about the organisation. In this way, we ensure that your company's commitment benefits charitable causes at all times.

Can I create my own projects?

Yes, projects can be created for your own employees. Employees can also suggest projects.

Are there different roles within the tool?

The available roles include employee, CSR manager and moderator and can be expanded and configured in different ways depending on the version.

Is the data encrypted?

Our top priority is that you feel safe with us. That is why all data is 256-bit encrypted. You can find out more about data security here.

Where are the servers that lets uses located?

All our servers are located within Germany and comply with the latest security standards.

Is the platform GDPR compliant?

lets fulfils all current GDPR requirements.

Is it possible to host the platform yourself?

On request, you can run the platform on your own servers in our Pro version.

Is it possible to customise the platform with your own branding?

Yes, within our Pro version you can have your own branding and your own domain.

Can I get my own mobile app?

Our own mobile app is part of our Pro version. The web version is available in the free version. This can also be used from a smartphone.

Is lets available in different languages?

Ja, natürlich! Derzeit sind wir vollständig in Englisch und Deutsch und auf Anfrage in vielen anderen Sprachen verfügbar.

Is lets also actively engaged in other countries?

lets can be used worldwide. However, the majority of our partners (and therefore projects) are currently based in Germany. However, this in no way prevents you from starting your own projects worldwide and using lets with your own projects internationally.

Couldn't find the answer you were looking for?

You are welcome to send us a message. We are always happy to support.