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Social Day: an Advent afternoon in a retirement home

Social Day: an Advent afternoon in a retirement home

A good way to organize a Social Day is to spend a day or afternoon in a retirement home. Many care staff simply do not have the time to spend more time with the residents of a retirement home and are therefore dependent on volunteers. They are happy to receive any support, usually in the form of a regular commitment, but also as part of social days. More and more retirement homes are entering into partnerships with companies and organizing social days as part of corporate volunteering measures.

Our partners Fonds Finanz and Bayerische have been offering their employees special leave for voluntary work for several years and plan this using our corporate volunteering tool.

Afternoons in retirement homes have often been offered and held, so in November 2022 we once again went to a retirement home in Munich, where an Advent afternoon with around 20 senior citizens was planned in consultation with the local volunteer coordinator.
A total of 13 employees had registered for this Social Day at both companies.

After carrying out corona tests, everyone was allowed to enter the house. After a brief introduction to the facility and the residents, everyone gathered in the lounge, which was already beautifully decorated for Christmas. The tasks were distributed here. Some went to fetch the residents from their rooms, others took care of the music and others set the table. Gradually, more and more senior citizens were looking forward to a Christmas afternoon with new faces. Some employees started baking waffles and others poured coffee. Small groups formed and people chatted about different things. Christmas stories were read, games were played, people sang and even a 90-year-old resident played the harmonica. All in all, it was a very successful afternoon with lots of smiling and happy faces. And everyone was certain that they would be back for the next Social Day at the retirement home!

Das Corporate Volunteering Team der Fonds FinanzWeihnachtsdekoration beim Social Day im AltenheimFreiwillige beim Social Day

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